Safety: While Italy is generally a safe destination for solo female travelers, the one thing you need to. I recommend buying a universal adapter (make sure it has surge protection) and using a converter for hairdryers and hot tools.

The standard voltage is 230 V, and the standard frequency is 50Hz. The text contains several small corrections and revisions by the author, perhaps evidence of the manuscript being composed and illustrated during the journey. Plugs: The plugs in Italy are Type C, F, and L. Lose Yourself in Your Rome Travel DiaryKeep this Rome, Italy tr. The final leaf, in the same hand, contains an Italian key to a map of Jerusalem. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Mark's Coptic Cathedral then sails for Crete and, after more adventures, returns to the south of France, and from there, on horseback, to Rome.

He embarks then for Alexandria where he describes the St. Also, he witnesses the splendid entry of the Pacha of Baghdad into Cairo and gives a detailed account of the pomp arranged for the Pacha's reception in the city. After arriving in Damietta, he seeks out the French consul in Cairo, then takes a tour of the pyramids. The traveler departs Jerusalem on June 16th and continues his trip towards Egypt. Five full-page pencil illustrations include the skyline of Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Mount Olive, and a three-dimensional plan of the Via Dolorosa. Following the coast of the Mediterranean Sea southwards, he visits Acre and Jaffa, then sets out for the holy sites of Palestine. Sailing from Malta on March 16th, the traveler stops at the Cyclades, Rhodes, and Cyprus before reaching Tyre in Lebanon. The description of Malta includes numerous ink sketches of monuments and views shaded in pencil. Having reached the island, he departs from Messina on February 19th for Malta. The description of Naples includes an account of the antiquities of Pozzuoli, which the traveler visits on 4 January 1667 while waiting for a favorable wind to speed him to Sicily.

See our US and international biking tours, walking & hiking trips, and other adventure vacations. After these preliminaries the account of the voyage begins with departure from Rome on 21 December 1666. Discover Backroads, the worlds 1 active travel company. This anonymous seventeenth-century account of a trip from Rome to Jerusalem and Egypt begins with a glossary of Neapolitan terms, followed by two pages of detailed renderings of coins from Naples and Malta.