Yes, even Seguiriya – as long as you cast it when a boss is recovering from a missed attack or in a safe spot. These can be cast for relatively cheap and let you get some damage safely. Tiento to Your Thorned Hairs – Invulnerability.I feel like it also gives you invulnerability frames on cast. Debla of the Lights – Ridiculous utility and localized damage, situational depending on boss position.Seguiriya to your Eyes Like Stars – Really big sword speed buff.Taranto to My Sister – Good damage and AoE, situational depending on boss position.Lorquiana – Good damage AoE, situational depending on boss position.The other hearts are worthless during boss fights (Molten Heart of Boiling Blood) or severely gimp you with their demerits (Heart of Oils). If you’re some sort of god who can just stay at low HP and survive you could benefit. Heart of Saltpeter Blood (+sword damage when low HP) – This is only here because there’s no demerit.Smoking Heart of Incense (+prayer/blood damage/duration, +prayer cost) – Even more juice for your prayers and also juices your ranged blood attacks.It’s demerit is more or less a non-factor compared to how much it extends your parry window. Heart of Virtuous Pain (+parry window, +parry recovery time) – I stuck with this for pretty much the whole run.They said: “If Muhammad couldn’t save his own relatives, how can he save us?” Then, after reading more of the Bible, they said their favorite verse was, “Come unto me all you that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”(Matthew 11:28-30). Then they read in the Hadith that Muhammad worried about future judgment on his own family : “O Safiyah, the Aunt of Allah’s Apostle! I cannot save you from Allah’s Punishment O Fatima bint Muhammad ! Ask me anything from my wealth, but I cannot save you from Allah’s Punishment ” ( al-Bukhari 51:16).įrom the Qur’an, Muslims are left with little assurance of salvation, but it was because of those final words in the Traditions from the Arabian prophet that certain Pakistani friends despaired of finding salvation in Islam. ☺bu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Salvation Through Repentance (An Islamic View), 23.Ī few Muslims have argued that through Muhammad’s intercession grave sins can be forgiven, but citing the Qur’an, most deny any such mediatory role: “O ye who believe! Spend out of (the bounties) We have provided for you, before the Day comes when no bargaining (Will avail), nor friendship nor intercession” (2:254). ²Yasien Mohamed, The Islamic Concept of Human Nature, 87. For, when he forgets Allah, he degenerates into a slave of his own base desires whose life becomes characterized by evil and corruption.”³ “God remembrance,” is key to overcoming temptation and producing taqwa (piety). Whoever turns from such guidance will face judgment in the last days due to ignorance and disregard of God (20:124).

“The primary task of the prophets is to awaken man’s conscience so that he can decipher the primordial writing on his heart more clearly and with greater conviction.”¹ Within each person is “an inborn inclination to believe and worship Allah.”² “It follows, then, that the greatest tragedy that can happen in a man’s life is that he turn away from the remembrance of God. Since we are weak and forgetful, God sent prophets to remind us of the true path. Disobedience is not rebellion it is failure to remember God’s instructions, and Satan’s goal is to make us forget his guidance (58:19 20:115).